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AEBR for CoR’s platform COVID 19 on border regions

AEBR has initiated several actions to get information from the ground and detect possible inconsistencies when national measures are implemented across borders. In this sense we already published a call for contributions in our Newsletter from last 28 March. We also collaborate with other platforms and associations, and we would like to draw your attention today to the following initiative: we collaborate with the EGTC Platform at CoR, the Border Focal Point at DG REGIO, the MOT and CESCI to raise awareness about the impact of measures taken in the aftermath of the Covid-19 pandemic on citizens in border regions. With your contribution, we want to send a strong message to change the current political discourse: the cure is the separation of people, not of nations.

We ask European border regions, including non-EU, and cross-border structures to participate by sharing their experience and illustrate the situation in their border region. Please inform us about specific restrictions due to the border, in case different approaches to the pandemic on both sides of your border, additional obstacles for your daily life, limited mobility across the border, economic measures for the recovery, next steps toward “phase 2”, and other issues you face.


The information will be used in the format of “stories” and be published on the COVID 19 platform initiated by the CoR. Here we are now creating sections specifically dedicated to border regions and cross-border cooperation issue. The platform allows for mutual learning for regional and local authorities, but also to gain information on the situation on the ground. This will then be analysed and utilised to shape important policy recommendations.


For these reasons, it is very important that as many border regions as possible contribute sharing their experience.

You can participate via this online tool:

To view the stories, click here.


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