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AEBR, MOT and CESCI unite forces at the Council of Europe

08 October 2021


On 7 October the Presidents of the three networks signed a joint Declaration in Strasbourg, at the Palais de l’Europe. The objective of the joint declaration is to keep cross-border cooperation in the focus of the European project.


AEBR President Karl-Heinz Lambertz,  MOT President Christian Dupessey and CESCI Vice-President Zsuzsanna Fejes, on invitation of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities at the Council of Europe, committed to establish ever closer cooperation in the interest of better representing border regions. To guarantee access to quality services, education and employment to citizens living in border regions in Europe, as well as to provide them with fair representation and governance, are the common aims of AEBR, CESCI and MOT. With this collaboration, the organisations will be stronger in reaching the common goal of well-being and freedom of citizens living in border areas.


Signing the declaration, AEBR’s President Karl-Heinz Lambertz emphasised the importance of  working together, unite forces and coordinate the wide and diverse cross-border cooperation networks in Europe to achieve our commong goals.


Read here the text of the declaration: Strasbourg Declaration signed by AEBR, MOT and CESCI


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