AEBR is proud to announce the selection of 19 new cases in the framework of the b-solutions initiative.
In cooperation with the Border Focal Point at the European Commission’s DG REGIO, AEBR has launched b-solutions 2.0 call for proposals.
As of 21 October marking the deadline of the first call of b-solutions 2.0, we had received twenty-one additional submissions from various border regions in Europe. Thank you very much to all applicants!
Following the assessment of the new applications received, nineteen cases addressing legal and/or administrative obstacles hindering cross-border cooperation were selected to receive technical support by legal experts with knowledge of cross-border instances and of specific territories.
The experts – awarded by AEBR and DG REGIO upon participation to a dedicated call for expression of interest – will cooperate directly with the representatives of each case in analysing the obstacle and suggesting solutions.
Discover below the successful applications:
In the thematic area of “Institutional cooperation“:
Water governance in European Natural Park of Scarpe Escaut (European Natural Park of Scarpe Escaut Plains)
Cross-border acknowledgement of dealer plates (EUREGIO)
Boosting Minho River cross-border sharing services (River Minho EGTC)
In the thematic area of “Public services”:
Ambulance service across the Schengen border (DKMT Euroregion)
Cross-border health insurance in the DKMT Euroregion (DKMT Euroregion)
Healthcare follow-up and hospitalisation at home (GECT Alzette Belval)
Establishment of a cross-border healthcare center (GECT Alzette Belval)
French-Luxembourg emergency management community (GECT Alzette Belval)
Cross-border social security affiliations (GECT Alzette Belval)
In the thematic area of “Labour market and education”:
Problem to work in both Sweden and Denmark at the same time (Øresunddirekt Sweden / County Administrative Board Skåne)
Third country citizens excluded from the labour market in the region (Øresunddirekt Sweden / County Administrative Board Skåne)
Mapping cross-border skills involving Employers: Building & Construction (Regione autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia)
Mapping cross-border skills involving Employers: Mechatronics (Regione autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia)
Mapping cross-border workers and labour market between FVG & Carinthia (Regione autonoma Friuli Venezia Giulia)
Posting workers to Galicia: easing communication procedures (Galicia Norte Portugal EGTC)
Working from home across Borders (Openbaar Lichaam Eurode)
Limitations in attending a school in a neighbouring country (EGTC Euregio Meuse-Rhine)
Anti-cumulation of parental allowances in cross-border cases (Grenzinfopunkt Aachen-Eurode)
In the thematic area of “European Green Deal”:
Funding systems inhibit innovation through testbeds (The Svinesund Committee)
Many thanks again to all the participants! You can find detailed descriptions of the new advice cases on the b-solutions website.
The second b-solutions 2.0 call for proposals is open until 28 February 2023. Applications are reviewed on a rolling basis with immediate implementation. Therefore, we would like to invite public entities and cross-border structures, located along EU internal land and maritime borders as well as along EU borders with EFTA and with IPA countries, to submit their applications and enhance cross-border cooperation.
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