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b-solutions workshop “Galicia-Norte CBC” – Reviewing the evidence – Progressing the solutions

This workshop aims at planning the implementation of the findings of the case studies identified with b-solutions in the Galicia (ES) – Norte (PT) cross-border region:


  • Simplifying procedures for hiring and teleworking (Galicia-Norte EGTC)
  • Recognition of nursing diplomas (Chaves-Verin EGTC)
  • Mobility of high education students from vulnerable groups (CEER GNP) (students are part of the pipeline of a future regional CB workforce)
  • Simplifying CB mobility of minors to carry out cultural or educational exchanges (Galicia-Norte EGTC) (education mobility and connectivity for young people- adults and economic citizens of the future region)


  • Removal or simplification of the procedure to obtain the Car Circulation Guide for Cross-Border Workers (Galicia- Norte EGTC)
  • MOBITRANS – Boosting Minho River Cross–Border Mobility (River Minho EGTC)
  • Launch of a regular passenger transport between Chaves and Verin (Chaves-Verin EGTC)


  • Administrative barriers to implementing an environmental management system in the wine sector (Galician Food Quality Agency)
  • Circular economy consolidation of Waste of Electric and Electronic Equipments (WEEE) (Pontevedra Province)
  • Different definitions of natural special protection areas (River Minho EGTC)
  • Cross-Border Emergencies Team (Chaves-Verin EGTC) (risk management)

What is this event about?

This event is the first in a series of workshops designed to facilitate the progression of existing b-solutions case studies towards implementation. The purpose of the event will be to bring together sponsor organisations and other relevant stakeholders for b-solutions cases relating to the Norte de Portugal/ Galicia (Spain) border region, for a recap on case study recommendations followed by a rapid strategy planning exercise to identify a way forward for implementing the solutions identified in the case studies. Together, stakeholders will discuss and share perspectives to co-design a process for implementing the recommendations of each case study. The day will also be an important and welcome opportunity for people to come together in person, after a long and challenging period of the COVID-19 Pandemic. The event will be hosted by EGTC Galicia-Norte, and facilitated by AEBR Secretary General Martin Guillermo-Ramirez and Caitriona Mullan, AEBR CBC Expert. b-solutions is funded by the European Commission (DG REGIO) and a representative of the EC will also attend the event.

How will the event run?

The event will involve a morning plenary session at which selected case studies will be presented by the cross-border organisations that developed and sponsored the b-solutions case studies. Following a networking lunch, the afternoon session will involve breakout groups (one per case study) working in a ‘rapid strategy planning’ exercise to codesign and agree on an outline implementation plan for the case study, focusing on steps to be taken over the next 12-18 months. AEBR will remain in contact with stakeholders as they move through the process of resolving the obstacles documented in the case studies.

What can you expect from attending this event?

All participants can expect a positive outcome from the networking opportunity of this event. In addition:

  • cross-border organisations who sponsored b-solutions case studies can expect to leave with an agreed implementation ‘roadmap’ or plan which has been agreed upon with those stakeholders in attendance;
  • experts who were involved in case studies can expect an opportunity to contribute to the process of planning for the resolution of the obstacles for which they have provided analysis and advice;
  • national and regional government stakeholders who attend can expect an opportunity to connect with cross-border stakeholders and to create pathways towards a shared approach to resolving the b-solutions obstacles in the case studies, for mutual and shared benefit.

You can register for this event until 30 May on this link.

This is the final programme of the event. Final Agenda 7_June b-solutions.


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