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Sail of Papenburg

Since 2002, AEBR awards the Sail of Papenburg Award for border and cross-border regions, initiated and endowed by the EMS Dollart region (EDR). The Sail of Papenburg award honours outstanding achievements of cross-border cooperation projects in the fields of culture, economy, institutional cooperation, environment and society. The aim of the Award is to make local initiatives, that work well, visible, and to favour the replication of these initiatives in other border regions. The Award also motivates border and cross-border regions to continue engaging actively to foster better relations at the borders between the states throughout Europe.

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How to apply for the award?

Every year, AEBR sets a specific motto which underpins the award, in accordance with current relevant topics and the general topic of AEBR’s Annual Conference. Around June every year, AEBR launches a call for applications to find new submissions for the award. The call for applications is announced through AEBR’s website and via its newsletter. The Sail of Papenburg Award is granted to the winner each year during the AEBR Annual Conference.

Eligible are border and cross-border regions and subnational entities aiming to boost direct neighbourly cooperation across a national border. Membership in the European Union or AEBR is not required.

Find here the call for applications for 2023 – this year’s theme is “CB Labour Market:
Telework and Home-Office – Challenges and Opportunities in Post-Covid Times”.

The call closes on the 15th of September 2023.


Winners of the Sail of Papenburg Award 2002 – 2022

Year Cross-border Region Project


EGTC European Region
Tyrol-South Tyrol-Trentino (Austria/Italy)Special Award:
Interreg Project Partners
“Euregio is young”


“Living Danube”

2021 Euroregion Nestos-Mesta Greek Part
2020 Pyrenées Regions in France, Spain and Andorra
CTP – Working Community of the Pyrenees
2019 Galicia – Norte de Portugal (ES/P)

Special Award:
EGTC Euroregion Pyrenees-Mediterranean (ES/F)


Euroregion’s cultural cooperation fund


2018 EVTZ Eurodistrict PAMINA
Strategy for fostering Education and Employment in Eurodistrict PAMINA
2017 International Lake Constance Region (AT/CH/DE/FL) IBH-Labs ¬– Networks of regional universities and practitioners for research and innovation
2016 Kvarken Region
Midway Alignment of the Bothnian Corridor -Kvarken Multimodal Link
EGTC Aquitaine-Euskadi
Strategic Partnership 1 signed between EGTC Eurorégion Aquitaine-Euskadi and the COMUE Aquitaine (Communauté d’Universités et Etablissements d’Aquitaine), entitled International training and European Citizenship: the choice of Euroregional mobility
2015 North West Region Cross Border Group
(Northern Ireland, Ireland, Scotland)
North West Regional Science Park
2014 Euregio Meuse-Rhin
(Belgium/The Netherlands/Germany)
SME Crossborder Cluster Stimulation Programme (GCS)
2013 Lower Austria – Burgenland – Bratislava
(Austria/Slovak Republic)
Bratislava-Umland-Management (BAUM) – Bratislava –urban regional-cooperation
2012 EGTC Galicia – Norte Portugal (GNP-EGTC)
Labour Market Mobility in the Euroregion Galicia-Norte de Portugal. Recognition and evaluation of Vocational Training Certificates
Upper Austria (Mühlviertel) and South Bohemia (Austria/Czech Republic) RegioTalent – Regionalisation without borders

Creating new job opportunities and development possibilities in border regions Mühlviertel and South Bohemia

2011 Öresund Comittee (Sweden/Denmark) 33 Hindrances, Challenges and Opportunities – the Öresund Model 2010
Euroregion Spree-Neiße-Bober (Germany/Poland) The bridge of Markosice – fire brigades unbounded
2010 Euroregion Nestos-Mesta (Greece/Bulgaria) Target: Work
Öresund Committee (Sweden/Denmark) ØRUS – The new cross border regional development strategy for the Öresund region
2009 Euregio Scheldemond (Belgium/Netherlands) Bio Base Europe: Innovation and training for a sustainable bio-based economy
2008 Upper Rhine Region (Germany/France/Switzerland) EUCOR – European Confederation of Upper Rhine Universities
Euroregion Galicia – Norte de Portugal (Spain/Portugal) Service of studies Eixo Atlãntico


2007 Euregio Rijn-Waal (Germany/Netherlands) Euregional marketing initiatives Rijn-Waal
2006 Autonomous Region Friuli Venezia Giulia (Italy) Norms to promote European integration process and to favour the implementation of EU programmes; Financing of initiatives of the institutions and the associations of the FVG
2005 ICBAN – Irish Central Border Area Network (Ireland/Northern Ireland) Joining up development (programme)
2004 EUREGIO (Germany/Netherlands) Cross-border spatial development concept
2003 Euregio Steiermark-Slovenia (Austria/Slovenia) Cross-border strategy “training, education and labour market”
2002 Euroregion Lower Danube (Ukraine/ Moldova/Romania) Intensive socio-cultural cross-border cooperation between Ukraine, Moldova and Romania

On special occasions, the prize has been awarded also to individuals for their efforts to promote the idea of European integration in the field of cross-border co-operation. To thank them for supporting AEBR in achieving its objectives and performing its tasks:

Ms Danuta Hübner, Chairwoman of the Committee on Regional Development of the European Parliament;

Mr Michel Delebarre, former President of the Committee of the Regions;

Mr Elmar Brok, Member of the European Parliament,

Mr Joan Vallvé, AEBR honorary president.


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