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AEBR reports to prepare the EGTCs (2004)

AEBR elaborated various analyses and studies addressed to the European institutions explaining the need for a new legal instrument facilitating cooperation between territorial authorities in the EU. Then, reports, summaries and position papers were also prepared for different purposes:

  • The first report, Towards a New Community Legal Instrument Facilitating public-law-based trans-European Cooperation among Territorial Authorities in the European Union, was published in March 2004 as a Summary Report (EN, 27 pages).
  • A Synthesis Report (EN, 85 pages) followed in May 2004
  • And a Summary Position Paper (English, French, German, Spanish, Italian)

Then, the Commission presented the first proposal of a European grouping of cross-border cooperation (EGCC) on 14 July 2004 (English version, French version).


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