Despite the COVID-19 outbreak, several events and opportunities are still ongoing all around Europe: the V Regional Best Practices Award by ORU-FOGAR (EN, FR, ES) to various calls, articles, etc.
Don’t miss the V Regional Best Practices Award by ORU-FOGAR
At the start of 2020, the 5th Regional Good Practice Award was announced. As every year, it is jointly convened by ORU Fogar and the United Nations Development Programme – Art (UNDP Art) and it is aimed at highlighting 5 good governance practices from intermediate governments around the world: regions, provinces, federated governments. This includes ORU Fogar members, but also non-members.
The five annual awards highlight a practice that has already produced outstanding results in the field of public management, with the requirement that they can be replicated by other regional governments, always within the framework of values defined by the 2030 Agenda and the Millennium Development Goals.
What is good public management practice?
A good practice is an activity or process undertaken by a local/regional authority that has produced noteworthy results in public management and that can be replicated in other organisations to improve their effectiveness, efficiency and innovation for the benefit of the public good.
All winning projects will be part of the Regional Good Practices data base. On this 4th edition (the award was first announced in 2016), the Bank has 20 exemplary and replicable projects. By number, the projects of Food Security/Sovereignty stand out, but also those dedicated to the fight against poverty. Good practices in the field of health and practices of citizen participation also deserve attention.
As every year, the internships will be evaluated by a jury of men and women of recognized prestige and experience in the field of international development. The prizes will be awarded during the 2020 ORU Fogar Assembly.
More information: in EN, FR, ES
The Climate Pact
The European Commission has opened a public consultation on the Climate Pact, the instrument to ensure the involvement and active engagement of local and regional authorities, citizens and all relevant stakeholders in the Green Deal. This public consultation is open until 17 June 2020.
To ensure the appropriate involvement of the Local and Regional Authorities, the European Commission addressed a specific referral to the European Committee of the Regions (CoR), asking for an outlook opinion on the subject. Rafał Trzaskowski, Mayor of Warsaw, has been entitled as CoR rapporteur and has organized a survey regarding the Climate Pact, the impact of the present crisis on own environmental priorities, and the potential UE mechanisms facilitating transition to climate neutrality. Will all inputs and ideas, Mayor Trzaskowski and team will feed into the ongoing CoR opinion on the subject. This is the letter of invitation to take part, and this is the link to the survey.
As food for thought, here you can find an interesting article in Europe’s World about Climate ambitions in times of Corona, by Wendel Trio, Director of Climate Action Network Europe:
Václav Havel Human Rights Prize 2020
The deadline for applications to the Václav Havel Human Rights Prize 2020 has been extended until 30 June. This prize is awarded annually by the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe, in partnership with the Václav Havel Library and the Charta 77 Foundation for outstanding civil society action in the defence of human rights in Europe and beyond. Consisting of a sum of €60 000, a trophy and a diploma, this Prize is open for nomination of any individual, non-governmental organisation or institution working to defend human rights. Find more information here.
Young Elected Politicians
The deadline for the CoR’s call for applications to support select motivated Young Elected Politicians has been extended to 31 May.
EURISY’s Copernicus Hackathon Natural and Cultural
An online Copernicus Hackathon on “Natural and Cultural Heritage”, previously prepared to take place in Cork, will run online from 9 to 13 June 2020, co-organized by EURISY, the Cork Institute of Technology and the National Space Centre of Ireland.
Passionate about space, coding, nature or cultural heritage? Take part in this free Copernicus Hackathon! It offers an excellent opportunity for students, entrepreneurs, and space enthusiasts to put their skills into practice creating innovative applications with satellite data. The Hackathon will result in concrete ideas for projects that could enter into an incubation or acceleration phase.
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