Plenty of events have been cancelled or postponed since early March and the perspectives are uncertain for mass gatherings, or any event with a high presence of participants, including air travel. The University of the Greater Region had to cancel its Greater Region’s Forum in L-Esch-sur-Alzette on 19 March, the MOT had to postpone its General Assembly in Colmar on 26-27 May to 8-9 September. On the other hand, many had to change working habits entering a new time of videoconferences, webinars and home offices. However, there is a need to meet and exchange with other colleagues, listen to experts and officials, and put forward own arguments, doubts, and expectations in formal and informal meetings. This is sometimes hard to achieve remotely.
Therefore, we expect a gradual return to a certain normality in which we can retake events as the expected one last 30 March in Brussels on “b-solutions for Cross-Border Obstacles”. Some weeks before the date, its postponement was announced due to the pandemic. The plans to organize it are still on, whenever the circumstances allow it. We will provide more information as soon as possible. In any case, a new phase of b-solutions is coming, and the initiative will run until the end of 2021, including two new call for proposals. Read more here.
However, some events must be organized, and AEBR is taking part and organizing various meetings through different online platforms with members, EU institutions, other platforms, associations and organisations, stakeholders and partners.