13 December 2021
AEBR’s Balkans office has been involved in many activities in the past months, on a variety of relevant topics.
In the framework of ESPON’s TEVI2050 – Territorial Scenarios for the Danube and Adriatic Ionian Macro-regions project, the third online meeting of the Steering Committee for the EUSDR and EUSAIR took place on 2 November 2021. During the highly interactive role-play workshop the Steering Committees discussed alternative territorial scenarios for the Macro Regional Strategies in 2050?
From 29 November to 3 December 2021 the European Hydrogen Week (EHW) took place, and AEBR Balkans talked about the importance of involving youth, border region and cross-border structures in the transition towards the use of hydrogen for greener policies.
The Council of Europe, the Centre of Expertise for Good Governance, CESCI Balkans and ISIG implemented the Leadership Academy for Cross-Border Cooperation, focusing this time specifically on collaboration between Serbia and Bulgaria. AEBR Balkans participated in this action-learning course for practitioners in cross-border cooperation aiming to improve the leadership capacity of mayors and senior officials involved in cross-border cooperation, which took place on 30 November and 1 December.
On 7 December, AEBR Balkans, along with a group of young people, attended the roundtable session titled “Young Balkan Voices – listening to the next generation” within Friends of Europe’s annual event EU-Western Balkans Summit. In this occasion, young people from different Balkan countries discussed their experiences and opinions around their future with Dubravka Šuica, Vice-President of the European Commission and Commissioner for Democracy and Demography.
AEBR Balkans is also following the development of activities to be organised in the framework of the European Year of Youth in coordination between the European Commission’s DG REGIO, Interact, TESIM, EUSAIR and AEBR.
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