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Rewatch workshops and activities of the #EURegionsWeek

14 October 2022
Workshops and other activities organised in the framework of the European Week of Regions and Cities remain accessible. Here is a list of workshops organised with AEBR’s participation:

Workshop “Energy self-consumption: Challenges and Opportunities for Regions and Cities. ONLINE – 11WS22272”
The “Energy self-consumption: Challenges and Opportunities for European Cities” workshop is proposed in line with the goal set by the European Commission to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by at least 55% by 2030. It seeks to encourage debates among local and regional authorities on the role of public administration in informing, creating, assisting and offering all possible facilities to businesses and individuals alike, thus promoting energetic efficiency and the use of renewable sources of energy.
Partners: Ajuntament de Rubí, Association of European Border Regions (AEBR), Lappeenrannan kaupunki
Watch it here

Workshop “Digital training for cooperation: new ways of capacity building ONLINE – 11WS22277”
Whether at the interregional, transnational or cross-border level, capacity building is necessary for successful territorial cooperation. This workshop will present three concrete examples of online courses and training. Secondly, opportunities of digital training for local/regional authorities, associations and other stakeholders of cooperation, as well as its limits and challenges, will be discussed. Finally, recommendations for the development of digital training in the field of territorial cooperation will be elaborated.
Partners: Association of European Border Regions (AEBR), Carinthia University of Applied Sciences (CUAS), Euro-Institut / TEIN (Euro-Institut / TEIN), Sciences Po Strasbourg – Ecole de l’Université de Strasbourg
Watch it here

Workshop “Addressing cross-border and cross-ecosystem investment needs and cooperation opportunities ONLINE – 11WS22403”
Addressing investment needs and opportunities for cross-border and cross-ecosystem cooperation is one of the challenges for European countries in order to make our common project more cohesive. Regions and clusters can act as a good means of capturing these needs, favouring efficiency and innovation in the responses, as they work on cross-border collaboration.
Partners: Association of European Border Regions (AEBR), European Association of Development Agencies (EURADA), European Clusters Alliance (ECA)
Watch it here

Exhibitor Pitch: #Youth4Coop – initiatives for and by young people in territorial cooperation ONLINE – 13pitch22515
To all Interreg projects and programmes, IPA-CBC and ENI-CBC actors: embrace the European Year of Youth! Host a young person who will promote and support your cooperation project with enthusiasm and passion. Join us to learn all about Interreg Volunteer Youth and discover how to become a host. Interreg Volunteer Youth is an initiative promoted by the European Commission and the Association of European Border Regions to promote and support Interreg by involving young people as volunteers.
Partners: Association of European Border Regions (AEBR)
Watch it here

Workshop “b-solutions: solving cross-border obstacles to enhance development of border regions ONLINE – 13WS22244”
With the b-solutions initiative, the European Commission and the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR) support local actors to identify and implement viable solutions to overcome the many obstacles which make life in border regions complex. A platform for mutual learning and exchange, this workshop provides information about the ongoing b-solutions initiative and shows how it has been useful to other colleagues in the EU.
Organised by the European Commission and AEBR
Watch it here

Workshop “Youth Beyond Borders: how to overcome obstacles ONLINE + ONSITE (Brussels) – 13WS22334”
Workshop with AEBR’s participation at the European Regions and Cities 2022:
Youth Beyond Borders: how to overcome obstacles. Daily cross-border cooperation is not only at the heart of the EU, but it also drives us to confront obstacles to European integration and transformation. In light of the European Year of Youth, this workshop will showcase reports from participating regions on their cross-border youth projects and demonstrate how individual experiences may serve as a springboard for a more thorough discussion of the field’s common challenges and opportunities.
Partners: Carinthia Region, Friuli, Venezia Giulia Autonomous Region, Northern Ireland, Pomorskie Region, Saarland and Valle d’Aosta Autonomous Region
Watch it here

Many more interesting workshops can be viewed on the #EURegions website.

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