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B-Shapes Policy Brief #3

The B-Shapes project led by South Denmark University publishes its third Policy Brief on  The recognition of border landscapes as a shared heritage.


Landscape conservation and heritage policies in the European Union are closely connected. The
European Landscape Convention, established in 2000, highlights the heritage value of
landscapes and the sustainable management of landscapes. The policy underlines that a landscape
knows no state borders and that landscapes are not a concern of individual states alone. Globally, the subject of transboundary multilevel governance for environmental conservation, protection and management is gaining ground as an implementational theme for policy discourse.

Recognizing and protecting valuable natural and cultural transboundary areas are gaining more policy and scholarly attention. European border regions and their landscapes are specific sites where the regional and local scale adoption and implementation of landscape policy can be evaluated. Border landscapes are impacted by environmental, economic, and political changes in two or more countries, which affect land, maritime, and aquatic borders. The evaluation of the landscape policy requires attention to practices, knowledge, and values connected with the landscape on both sites on a border. Border landscapes are environments where the responsibility for a shared environment becomes visible and highlighted as part of people’s perceptions and has concrete implications for health and human security.

B-Shapes research offers knowledge of how different interests and values concerning natural and
cultural landscapes as heritage manifest in European border regions’ institutionalised narratives. It responds to the need to learn more about incorporating transnational and cross-border dimensions in regional and local landscape heritage perceptions, practices and policies.

Read here the full policy brief

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