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AEBR Cross-Border School

AEBR Cross-Border School is a unique opportunity to learn about the latest research and trends on cross-border cooperation. Once every year academics and practitioners are discussing with their audience the added value of cross-border cooperation against the backdrop of the current political situation locally and globally.

The AEBR Cross-Border School is held annually, usually in the (northern) autumn, as a pre-event to the AEBR Annual Conference. It has been organized since 2017 by the Association of European Border Regions (AEBR) and the Nijmegen Centre for Border Research at the Radboud University. Since 2022, it has been part of the 21st Century Borders project, led by the University of Victoria (British Columbia, Canada) within the BIG Lab (Borders in Globalisation), co-funded by the Social and Humanities Research Council of Canada and the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

Date Venue Topic(s)
2023 Pavol Jozef Šafárik University of Košice, Slovakia VII AEBR CB School

CB Labour Markets

Role of CBC at the EU External Borders, with a special focus on Ukraine

Supported by the Pavol Jozef Šafárik University of Košice (Slovakia) and the Research Institute of European Territorial Cooperation of the Uzhhorod National University (Ukraine).

AEBR Annual Events 2023 (incl. VII CB School) with links to presentations

28 September 2022 Szeged, Hungary, Euroregion DKMT VI AEBR CB School

Education across Borders

Retaining Young People/Talent on “Empty” Border Regions

CB Youth Mobility and Opportunities

Life for a young person in a border region in Western Europe/Eastern Europe/North America

Supported by the Euroregion DKMT (HU/RO/RS)

20 October 2021
Arnhem, Province of Gelderland, Netherlands / hybrid V AEBR CB School

The Green Deal Perspective

Energy Transition of Industrial Regions

Border Regions and the Location of Green Facilities

Cross-Border Management of Sustainability

4 November 2020


Online IV AEBR CB School

Cross-Border regions in COVID times

Cross-Border Spatial Planning

Cross-Border Labour Market

Cross-Border Culture



23 October 2019 City Hall, Dresden, Germany, Euregio Elbe/Labe III CB School

The Culture of Cross-Border Cooperation

Supported by Euregio Elbe/Labe, the City of Dresden and the University of Twente (NL)


19 September 2018 Oulu, Finland II CB School

(Youth) Education and Employment in European Border Regions

Supported by the Bothnian Arc (FI/SE) and the Council of the Oulu Region

24 October 2017 University of Extremadura, Cáceres, Spain I CB School

Knowledge and Practice on the Border

Supported by the Interreg DE-NL Programme, the Euregio Rhine Waal, the Province of Gelderland, and the Faculty of Law at the University of Extremadura


How to participate in AEBR Cross-Border School?

Every year, AEBR sets a topic for its Cross-Border School, which follows current relevant topics and the general topic of AEBR’s Annual Conference. Around April every year, AEBR launches a Call for Papers to find new and interesting participants for the Cross-Border School. The Call for Papers is announced through the AEBR webpage and its Newsletter.

Last call for papers (2023)

Next call (2024) will be published soon


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